Friday, January 06, 2012

Hello Losers!

Yep, it's me Honkey! My bestest buddy Greenie told me about this little trip some of the H7HT is taking to CalifornIA and I figured I'd tag along. Seems that in Idaho that Willy guy is just plain inept at shooting me down, even with BB shells, so I flew south to that crap hole of a state, CalifornIA. Warm weather, beaches and many fine Honkey ladies to pass the time with. Of course I figure that you and your new friends are just as bad with your shooting skills as you are up north so my profile pic shows you my opinion of you, asses. Get used to it. I will fly low and slow right by those unrealistic plastic things you think will fool me and then I will gracefully swing around for another taunting pass. Good luck losers, you can't hit me with that 3 1/2" shell. For all I know they are loaded with cornmeal just so I can get a snack as I'm flying away!
See you later on the golf course. I shoot 7 under by the way, how about you? I thought so!


Mutual Destruction said...

Can't believe all the geese we saw and none of them low enough to shoot!! A new trip next year is definitely in order - I can't promise that we won't get super rowdy and throw people off of rangers, build 8 ft high bonfires or feed you cabesa and lingua, but I can promise you will leave each time saying, "those Mutual Destruction guys are effin crazy!!!"

Bob said...

I too would like to Mutually Destroy some things, like my liver! I hate that thing.

Mutual Destruction part Deux said...

Are the X-rays on the leg negative? Many props on not spilling a single drop of beverage as Bob decided to eject from the (LRRTC) Little Red Ranger That Could! I believe he took that same class in college as I - How Not to Spill Your Beer 101. Little did I know, that I too should have pushed abort and ejected at that same moment, as the rest of the night is much a blur. Hope you two had a blast and got good sun tans.