Sunday, May 11, 2014

I'm not the only one thinking about the annual H7HT fishing trip.  You are too.  You say to yourself, "I wish I was going down the mighty Deschutes river and challenging fish to their final demise", but alas, you are not going.  We are.

All three of the Charter Members will soon be packing their gear and heading to the Warm Springs Indian pow-wow for a 2 day float trip.  We will fish.  We will camp.  We will shoot a BB gun with amazing accuracy.  But most of all, we will represent the H7HT.

It's spring and many people will be thinking about riding their bike or playing golf or working in their garden.  Not us.  We will bond. (disclaimer: I have been thinking of all those things.)  The Fish we catch will fry on the grill with amazing ease and the beer will be consumed with the same fervor. We will teach all other fishermen on the river how to be Men and they will look at us with respect and envy.  Furthermore, we will be Kings.

So just be aware of how you are missing out on this.  Be jealous. Be resentful.

And the following day be happy you are not the one with a big hangover counting the hours until you reach home.  RESPECT.

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