Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Year in a Nutshell

Shells- $25.00
Whikey- $75.00

Well, this year was not so hot for myself. As I witnessed skyblasting, and well, blank skies today, I reflected on all the missed opportunities that could have put me into the teams record books. Today was truly a sad, yet, happy day. I hunted with Fred G. and saw him not earn the Expert title. However, with the falling of a comrade, emerged a man who has not had the title in years. Congratulations Bob. You're folding skills were to much for our Oregonian efforts. You are truly the forgotten son of Heston. With 0 kills on the season (wiping my tears), I hope CH will grace me with a fantastic winter steelhead season. More to follow................

1 comment:

Bob said...

Thanks to you Cliffy for that shout out. Remember, there is always next year. I can't wait for the Deschutes trip so that I too may bask in the glory of your "Fish Expert" status.