Thursday, May 04, 2006


MIGRATION UPDATE – April 27, 2006 Reports are starting to come across the desk of some early goose broods in several parts of the US. All across the breeding grounds the spring renewal is building. With conditions on the breeding ground steadily improving the duck factory looks to be primed and ready for production.

Hello folks, and as always, welcome to Though the snow geese have not made it home just yet, the bulk of North America’s waterfowl are settling in to their summer homes across the upper tier of the flyways. In just a few short weeks the May Pond Count survey flights will begin, and the first glimpse of the waterfowl season to come will begin to take shape. Even though it is the ‘off season’ the next few months provide some edge of your seat tension for the hardcore waterfowler. Ahead are crucial decisions in congress for funding of important conservation programs, the first sneak peaks at next year’s toys, tools and of course, the surveys that help our wildlife managers set seasons and bag limits for the next regular waterfowl season. In the life of the dedicated duck and goose hunter, there really is no ‘off season.’

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