Tuesday, August 01, 2006

And now, a message from the NFL.

Hey buddy, it's me, the NFL. I've taken the appearance of your old friend Dan in order to talk to you here today. Don't forsake me just because I'm not the same. In fact I am the same, just different. The same NFL you loved for so many years.

Remember how we used to just sit and spend quality time together? All we needed was a few beers and some snacks and we could be together for hours on end. It was so much fun we hung out on Monday nights too. You could even take a nap and when you woke up I'd still be there, ready for more. Yea, that's me.

So what if I've changed a little? I'm still the NFL you know and love. Just give me another chance. How about it buddy? I'll bring Rons' older brother Joey over, huh.... huh....?

Missing you,
The NFL.

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