Thursday, December 28, 2006

Day 17

Well, see, I wasn't there.
I also don't have a photo to go with todays entry. One was sent to me but likely only to let me know how great it was without me there. I deleted the photo due to my pain at not being able to attend what surely was one of the best days ever (but I inserted one to show how I must look to them). Along with the photo I received a message which I will now share with you even through my sorrow of repeating it.

"Bob, AWESOME day without you today. The ducks were flying almost as fast as the steel death from above. We never see that many ducks when you are there. Cliffy and I each got our limit and then we shot your limit too. We laughed at the sheer ease of folding today, it's like they wanted to die. Some of the ducks tried to land right IN our blind. Man, did you miss it.

"We had a lunch of hot paninni sammys and some fresh creme brûlée for desert topped with Gran Mariner. Boy, you would have ruinied it for sure. The way Cliffy tells stories is only outshined by his folding skills. Even the walk in seemed easy. We got a ride out from the warden who turned us on to some secret hunting spots close by. Sadly he said that only great hunters like us can go there, you'll never see them, sorry.

"Anyway, we decided that you can't come out with us anymore. The sheer weight of you bringing us down is more than we can bear. Maybe you can go hunting at Sauvies and make some new friends. If you learn how to 'skyblast' perhaps even you can get some ducks, likely not though. Well good luck old friend."

"Oh yea, by the way we shot only fat banded greenies. You suck looser."

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