Monday, January 29, 2007

Day 22

Snow is a gift of nature.
Being that Portland was in a "snow lock-down" we had the place to ourselves. Even the Mayor of portland declared that if you didn't HAVE TO go outside or to work that you SHOULD NOT. All this for 4 or 5 inches of snow. Man, ain't Portland great.

Somehow we made it all the way to the old old spot on the banks of the mighty Columbia without a catastrofic car wreck or dying from exposure to the elements. With a slight overcast sky and a light breeze we thought that the killing would be non-stop. Of coure, we were wrong.

Todays pictures however, reflect a somewhat disturbing event that happened on the return trip to our trusty truck. Out of nowhere a rather foulmouthed and agressive snowman appeared. We attempted to stay out of his way and, being the passive sorts, keep our distance so as not to provoke him. Unfortunately this would not be that easy. First he started in with the 'Your Momma' jokes. You know, like "Your Momma so stupid she put a phone up her butt and thought she was making a booty call." Still we kept our cool. Then he started the personal insults like "Nice waders fat man and Ohhhhh I almost didn't see you with all that camo on." Sure we got our feelings hurt but that's okay. THEN he started in with a tirade about the HOY7 hunting team being weak and our fold count being so low.

Let me tell you good readers, we had had enough. Nobody insults the team. Nobody!

I'll let you click on the 'Snowman....DEAD' post below to see what happened to that bitch. Just a little reminder to all of you that would contemplate badmouthing the HOY7 hunting team. Not a good idea at all. You're next Greenie.


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