Monday, October 29, 2007

A Break In the Action

Sometimes you just want to get up in the morning and go hunting. Well, not this morning.

The season isn't over and it certainly has begun but something prevents us from hunting today. A two day break in the action right at the begining of the fun. Why? I don't know.

Rather than complaining about how this affects the mental state of the team, or how great the sandwich would have been, or even how I would have folded the first Greenie of the season today I'm going to try to be positive. Maybe they needed time to let the ducks rest. Maybe this is an opportunity for the wardens to look at harvest numbers. Maybe this is a time for new ducks to travel through the Pacific Flyway without the threat of the HOY7 hunting teams power. Whatever the reason I hope things work out okay, because next time we are going to make up for today. GBCH

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