Friday, November 23, 2007

Day Seven & Eight.

I'm taking the liberty of reporting day 7 & 8 together. They had different starts but exactly the same outcome.
Day 7: Important day for the HOY7 hunting team so we chose the Old Old spot for some prime folding action. Slight chill to the air, great sammy, nice nap, no folding.

Day 8: Twin Falls on the menu. Much too windy so we ended up at the Old New spot for the first time this year. Hot breakfast sammys on the way in, even chillier with the gale force winds, short nap, no folding.

There you have it. A short report for this week but not much to show for it anyway. With that being said I must tell you that both days had natural beauty and rustic charm that you can only find on a HOY7 hunting team excursion. ( Just look at the pictures from both days) You too can join the fun for the low low price of three sammys.
Don't be a loser like Bubba Kuehl, plan your trip today


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