Monday, December 17, 2007

Day Fourteen.

Day fourteen and B. DaFolder moves solidly into second place.

It all started with a trip to the 'poker chip' area of Sauvies island. Fred and Lisa picked me up at 4:15 and we hit the road to Sauvies with the intention of picking the lowest number ever. Unfortunately on the way in the radio was playing nothing but crappy 80s' music. In total darkness Fred reaches up into the CD collection and pulls out a disk for our listening enjoyment that so happens to be none other than Lynyrd Skynyrd. He must have used all the mojo, luck, skill or whatever normally allows him to pick the low numbers at poker chip because we ended up with #108. (I picked #117, typical.)

As we walked to the shack for our blind choice we were terrified to learn we were second to last for picks. Mr. Warden suggested Steelman #7 (always a good choice #7 is) and off we went. After setting a blind that made the existing one look like a tar paper shanty, and throwing out a decoy spread that would attract ducks from miles around. we settled in for some fine killin' action. The ducks weren't really flyin' and that prompted a new bet for $10 first kill. The picture above shows the result of that bet. Bob $10 richer. Notice the shoveler like bill and white stripe. Think you can identify that duck? Neither could we. (It doesn't count if you look it up Cliffy. Oh, and by the way, I retrieved this myself. Does it count?)

After a delicious lunch and a nice nap we called it a day. After all Fred G. has some work to do before the holidays. Stay tuned for Wednesdays adventure with the HOY7 hunting team.


Fred G. here.

Just a few things I would like to add to day 14. Bobs up most confidence shined trough today in his Benelli Pump Master after folding, get this a folding of a duck on each of the last two hunting days. If he keeps this up by the end of the year he may have 17. We head out to the New Old New spot on Wednesday, a perfect place for John V. to join the team in some slaying.

Peace Out

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