Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 22

Today was a sad day on many levels. The end of the season, no ducks to fold & anticipation of the next day's hunt is irrelevant. I am still amazed by the level of dedication this team possesses even on the last day of the season. We follow all the standard H7HT protocols and all the traditions right up to the last day. There were some bright spots to the day however, we were joined by Charter Member Cliffy V. and witnessed yet another new addition to the HOY 7 Hunting Team. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome Max G. to the team.

This week we were lucky enough to have two new members. Mr Jim G, and Fred's Chinese Brother Max. I'm sorry to say that we were unable to provide any worthwhile killing opportunities for Max but I believe a good time was had by all. I'd tell you about the day but it's the same old story you already know, so instead I'll just leave you with the knowledge that next years hunting season is only 9 months away. Goodbye 2008/09 season.
F.G. 9 kills
B.D. 6 kills
C.V. 2 kills

(P.S. next year you die Greeine!)

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