Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 3.7 Oregon Chapter

Old Old Spot

Today was an eye opener. With the recent closure of the Old New Spot the Old Old Spot seems to be the place to go now when it's not a Sauvies day. It was not long ago when two young spry guys first adventured into the woods to make it their own. They had the area to themselves, they had their different spots for different type of conditions, if they needed a warm up walk they had their favorite routes they would take, basically they knew the lay of the land, every inch. With the recent influx of hunters that last bit of info is vital. We arrived today at about 5:30 greeted by about 10-12 trucks already in the parking lot. We already talked about the area we would like to hunt, cross Old Spot and head West through what we used to call "the ankle crushing rock liken to walking on the moon" walk. It's changed now, over the years the rocks seemed to have either worn down over time or have been sand covered. Cliffy didn't say it out loud but I knew he was thinking it, "how the hell does he know where he is going? He is like a spawning salmon going back to once he came from." I brought him through some short cuts I'll tell ya. Knowledge is power and the years of hiking the area gave me a lot. Sure enough when we wade our way out there it was ocupado. More knowledge ensued and I was able to put us onto a nice spot. I would like to report we saw the same thing I saw on Wednesday, but no such luck. A few ducks for the morning fly and that was it. A little rain but that's it, the conditions need to be much colder with some wind, we know that (as I sit here writing I know our comrade in Idaho has slayed this morning due to extreme weather, and his greatness of course). After our bottles went dry and with the visions of sitting on the couch watching the Fins play, we pack it up. It is all we have for now without a Sauvies Sky-Busting day. I did happen to get a great picture of Cliffy, while he thought I was not looking, practicing his shooting stance so when that day comes along to shoot his first duck, just shoot his gun for that matter, he will be ready. We are not the Navy but we are prepared.

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