Friday, September 02, 2011

Whistling On the Wings

I took my walk in the evening today, there was a slight chill to the air as the sunset sky was lit up with brilliant reds and oranges.  The old saying popped into my head about the sailors, "red sky's at night sailors delight red sky's in morning sailors take warning."  It was then I thought back to the mornings on Sauvies Island.  The anticipation.  A smile came to my face as I in visioned the beautiful morning sunrises while hunting, sometimes the sky's full with geese and ducks, sometimes beautiful solitude. As I made my way around the reservoir over my head whistled two dozen ducks, it was a beautiful sound as if they were saying "see you soon."  Minutes later a gaggle of geese took off from the safety of the reservoir, "I wonder where there going this time of night" I thought.  As I watched the ducks settle in happy and content I thought "red sky's in morning ducks take warning." Better clean my gun.

1 comment:

Bob said...
