Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Aconcagua 2011

Hey guys Andy here, sorry it's been so long since I've posted it's been a long year.  I don't know if you guys even remember this but last January of this year I attempted to climb Aconcagua in Argentina.  I set out from Portland with my buddy Steve and along the way there we hooked up with two other climbers that we met on the net who also wanted to climb Aconcagua.  While we were there we were robbed by the police, ate a lot of steak, drank a lot of beer, climbed some mountain and did some other stuff.  Sorry I wish I remembered more of stuff we did but it was along time ago, I wish I wrote this all down after it happened instead of waiting 10 months.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Maybe some more pictures of the one on the left?