Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Idaho: Day 20+5

With my season quickly drawing to a close I planned a solitary day out on Anderson. As always my sleep was broken and I checked the weather each time I woke as snow was in the forecast. Imagine my surprise when the final wake up at 4:00 revealed massive snowflakes and about 2 inches of accumulation. I packed quickly. This is without question the most sketchy hairball drive out ever, more so than even the "Artic Blast 08" scenario. The highway was covered and no plows had made it there yet. The Pepsi truck that tried to pass me blinded me for an eternity and then pulled off the exit to wait. I made the Rt3 road in twice as long as usual. Wet snow traction was nonexistent and after I finally passed the plow doing 20mph some guy in an 18 wheeler hauling logs tried to drive me off the road and crush me. Oh, did I mention that it was positively dumping snow sideways the whole time, THE WHOLE TIME!

By the time I reached the lake I was nervous and tense on the walk out but after settling in to the blind all the stress slipped away. It was beautiful with a light snow falling and the new snow covering everything that wasn't open water. I was ready to slay. After a bit a lone greenie flys right down the pipe and I took my shots. Being the end of the season I had a mixed bag of shells in the Benelli. A Black Cloud 3" 2 shot, next a Kent 3 1/2" 2 shot and finally some red shell Willy gave me with 1 shot in it. They all missed. I think my 5 layers of jackets and wool prevented me from properly shouldering my weapon, that's my story and I'm stickin' with it. The snow slowed and temps rose out of the teens and revealed a winter wonderland.

More ducks flew but all wanted the big open water further out. The only thing that wanted in was a dumbass goose who flew right into my blocks and immediately swam right to the blind. Willy was sleeping soundly somewhere else and I only shoot greenies so I took these nice pictures of me scaring the crap out of the ignorant Honkey. Stupid geese! Not much action after that and I decided to leave my decoys there for the night because the next day was my last of the season and I would soon return. The walk out was light as a feather and I made it home just in time to take a well deserved nap.

1 comment:

Fred G. said...

What a nice day to a fine year! Hard to believe you only killed one more duck after I left! Now you have time for other passions like reading a good book, combing your hair, maybe even carving some runs down your favorite slope. I'm sorry Killing for the King didn't come to fruition, the weather is going to be a mind scramble. But who's going to slay 6 birds in one weekend anyway?