Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Prime (r)

Yesterday was sunny and warm which allowed me to work in the great out-of-doors. Good thing too because yesterday was primer day. After sanding all the aluminum down we were ready for the 50/50 water and vinegar bath followed by a triple coat of 'self etching primer'. Toxicly good stuff that contains an acid that 'etches' itself into the aluminum, the primer is then able to adhere to the grooves created by the acid contained within. Without it the paint would flake off if it even properly adhered in the first place. Now we are ready to paint any pattern I see fit and it will last for years to come. Next week Fred G. comes to town and the project continues. In the meantime I am keeping my eyes open for a small truck to pull the boat. Almighty Heston help me!

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