Monday, May 28, 2012

Clayton the Sovreign Citizen

SR-71 Outback
After meeting up with ole' friend of the H7HT Clayton the other day, I have come to the decision that he is going rogue.  Not in the Sarah Palin sense, but likely in the angry Unabomber way.  Not only is he under suspicion of Elder Abuse charges in the state of Oregon but now this.
Witness exhibits 1 and 2.  His newly retrofitted Subaru is 'murdered out' as the kids call it and has been blacked out with stealth and concealment in mind.  Good thing too because inside Clayton is packing some heat.  That's right overly aggressive homeless people and wannabe gangsters in your lowered Honda, next time you think about messing with this formerly typical Outback, there will be some lead flyin'.
Looking back I blame myself.  There was a time when Clayton was happily employed at a typical job but then I brought him into the fold of my former workplace.  A workplace where everybody is sure they are consistently correct and you are wrong.  I left but he had to stay.  And look at what happened, now he is armed and reclusive behind his level 35 tint.  I can only hope that he seeks guidance from the great Lord Heston and finds the outlet he needs to push out his inner demons, maybe something involving, say, shooting ducks?
Good luck Clayton, and remember, that homeless guy was a person too.


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