Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wallowa/Grande Ronde Rivers Trip Part 1

Hello lucky readers of the H7HT Blog.  Well, late last night I got back from a beautiful 5 day river adventure with my friend Rachel.  It all started last Sunday when we drove out to eastern Oregon and car camped at the Minam State Park.  We woke Monday morning to early rain showers.  By the time we unloaded the truck and started blowing up the raft, we were in gale force winds and it was dumping!  The first 10 miles of the trip was on the Wallowa River before it joins the Grande Ronde for the final 30 miles.  We did the first 10 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes.  The water was cookin!  After 3 hours of being in the cold weather, we pulled out at a nice little sheltered campsite just across from Clear Creek.  It took a few hours of setting up, but then we were golden for the next 2 days.  Shortly after getting my stove set up, I noticed my hand kept reaching for the bottle of Cazadores.  The hand was right, it was time for margaritas and................did someone bring the BB gun? Damn straight, and Rachel schooled me!   That's right folks.  Not only do I get beat by H7HT members, but by girls too!  We ate risotto for dinner to heat our bodies up and went to bed.

  Tuesday morning we were pleasantly surprised with more black clouds and more of an all day BB gun ass whoopin!  Hey, I took her in cribbage though!  We had good coffee, bloody mary's, a pooper with a view, nice cheeses with grilled bread and fruits (with wine to suit).  Dinner was grilled Albacore tuna and eggplant with saffroned farro.  Wednesday to come!................... 

1 comment:

Bob said...

Cliffy, you are the million dollar camper for sure. And Rachel beat you using a new 'underarm short barrel' technique? Bring it girl!