Monday, December 03, 2012

Founders Tour Day Six

The final day of the tour we knew where we wanted to go, we knew the spread we wanted to throw out, we knew it all.  We procure the point.  Having not been there in a year I must say things looked good.  The boys kept up with the foot path I blazed last year and they built a sweet blind.  Water was down a little bit from last year, and I would have loved to have  seen it as Bob describes it now with the water 5 feet from the blind.  The weather was sunny and warm with a drizzle thrown in here and there for good measure.  The morning fly was slow and it spilled over into the rest of the day.  There were shots we could have taken but did not due to the flavor.  Bob went for a walk to scare some ducks up for me, trying to put me on some birds.  I was enjoying the sunrise over the mountains leaning back in my chair, gun not even close to me when a set of mallards came in. I could do nothing but watch as they flew in wanting to party and then turn and land 50 yards out.  I figured it would be a good idea to at least look alert, so I pull my gun closer and adjust my shades.  Bob is behind me on the other side of the slew when a set of mallards come straight in at me.  "I could really use this one to pad my lead" I said under my breath.  Full fold green head bastard even landed on dry land.  Only regret was not pulling the trigger on the other monster because I was looking on in awe at my folding prowess.  The sun broke through and the day turned nice, we decided to pack it up and head home.  Another Founder Tour comes to an end.  Thanks Idaho Chapter it was fun, really fun.  Signed.

The Expert.


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