Thursday, January 17, 2013

Idaho: Day 16

The man you see here in this picture is none other than C. DaFolder, my brother from the other side of this Great Nation.  He came to North Idaho to get him some outdoor time in our mountainous area and to spend some time with me, Bob D.  We spent the first day on the slopes skiing Silver Mt. in a foggy cloud that did not allow him much of a view but did let him get back on some skis after many years of traveling over snow with nothing worthwhile attached to his feet.  I must say, the guy looked pretty good for a 7 year absence from the sport.  But enough of lesser pursuits: Day 16.

A hearty meal of Honey Nut Cheerios prepared us for the trip out to Anderson.  We left early to assure us the spot on the point because it's the only open thing around there.  The ride out was tame but the closer we got the faster and harder the snow came down.  I was thinking epic thoughts. We arrived with time to pack up and head out but as we left the parking lot the light from our headlamps illuminated nothing but snow and the 3 feet in front of us.  Sweet!  We walked down the slope onto the lake bed, now frozen over, and started across with me leading the way.  The snow was falling so hard we soon found ourselves in the middle of the first lake next to the puddle that sits in the middle.  Walking back later we found our path did a perfect crescent from the spot where we left the shore, I would be lost in the arctic in no time it seems.  We made it to 'The Tip' with plenty of time to get set and I enlisted C.DF in throwing blocks and getting ready.  After the decoys were set and we settled into the blind it was time for a toast and to watch the light come up.  The snow had lightened some but was still coming down nicely and that coupled with the low cloud ceiling made me think good hunting was coming our way.

Just before the hunting bell a threesome of greenies came right up the channel.  I let C.DF know that those were the perfect shot and explained my 'baseball theory' so that he would not be known as a skyblaster here on these pages.  It was not long before another bird came the other direction from the big side of the lake.  "Take him" I say and a lone shot rings out.  A miss, but what do you expect from a guy whose last hunting trip was to the Old Old Spot maybe also 7 years ago?  I took no shots that day and C.DF took only one more, even with the greenies I scared up from the channel later, but the weather was perfect and the company in the blind was all I could ask for.  Not often do the DaFolder boys get together, but we had a snowy good time freezing our feet and sipping wikki in the blind, ducks or not.

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