Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 3 Or. Recap


Well, as you have read, the morning started out to be a bitter cold one.  On all fronts.  However, after a little whik (the one thing we are definately better at than the ID), cheery faces once again overtook the blind.  Speaking of the of Fred's best ever might I say.  We chatted away this morning because we saw 0 ducks during the morning flight prime time, in fact, we only saw 2 groups all day.  All of which were to far to call at.  But, you don't know unless you go right!  Heck, we've had worse.  What we haven't had worse so far this year are the sammies.  Man, we love our sammies out here in Or.    Day 1 we had seared Kasekrainer topped off with an omelet, whipped cream cheese with scallions all on a Gabriels Cheddar Cheese Bagel.  Day 2 Fred made a pulled Chicken sammie with asian style slaw.  And Day 3 we had Duck Egg Salad on Pastrami tucked in a Sesame Bagel.  Good stuff this year so far.....with a full season ahead of us!  Unfortunately, last night I found out that Meghan and I got the house of our dreams and we are slated to close while the Or. Chapter is in Idaho teaching clinics on folding.  So, I will not be able to make the trek to this weird shaped state this year and pass on my wisdom.  Oh ya, FTP showed up at the blind this day while I was taking a leak.............

1 comment:

Bob said...

I'm sorry you will miss the thousands of fat banded greenies that will be in town that week but happy that you are now going to be a guy with 10,000 projects.