Monday, November 18, 2013

Idaho 11-10-13

I have been remiss in my posting duties the last week or so.  It so happens that the last week and a half work has been getting ramped up, and my commitments to things other than the Blog have taken over and not allowed me to be posting as much as necessary to maintain my connection with you and the thousands of daily readers of the Blog.  I am sorry.

So here goes:
Don't mess with me non Greenie ducks
On this day I shotten a Shoveler.  I have pictures to prove it and they are here.  I did not take a shot on the Greenie that came in before.  I felt stupid.  I then shotten at the first thing that came by, mostly to take a shot.  I folded the duck cleanly by leading it nicely and one shot took him out.  I let him sit in the water hoping that another duck would fly in.  One did not.  I thought that Clider and Ken were on the other side of the lake shottening too.  They were not.  It was other hunters.  Skyblasting for sure and missing all the time.  I waited more.  After I got cold and my wikki was getting low I packed up and left.  I went home and breasted out the Shoveler and put his tiny meat harvest in my freezer for a more appropriate time. That is all.

I will be better at posting in the future but right now Monday Night Football is on my TV, I want to watch it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since when did H7HT members start wearing make-up? Do you have a matching pair of high heels that you hunt in too?