Thursday, April 24, 2014

The beauty of the Fishing Trip.

Floating Happily.
The beauty of the fishing trip is the float. Soon after the mighty Deschutes River has given us a relaxing and reinvigorating overload of water and fishing and scenery, we set about making a campsite worthy of Kings. Camping chairs, BB gun course, homey tents and a kitchen worthy of the finest Chefs and Captains of the food industry.  Soon after, the magic begins.  Dinner and  movie.  The 'movie' being shooting cans that have just been liberated from containment of their liquid oppressors. The conversation inevitably turns to the upcoming hunting season.  The season of the Greenie.

I can't wait to discuss the upcoming 'Expert' and how I will be that guy.  The cliffhanger of who will be the winner of the coveted 'First Greenie' and 'First Duck' of the season and maybe who can catch the most fish while hungover on the float out.  It won't be me.  I'll be relaxing in the boat.  Enjoying the float and trying not to interrupt the majesty of what I see. It is a beauty that is a long time coming.  I can't wait.  GBCH

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