Monday, November 13, 2017

First Walk OR Chapter Day One

The longest journey starts with the first step, how many times have you heard that before? No scouting necessary where I go, just plain commitment.  Last night I wasn't feeling so okay, a case of the dyspepsia I think.  Went to bed super early with the rain and wind blowing down the pipe, it sounded ducky.  I woke at 5 am packed and ready to go, rain subsided wind still blowing.  I think to myself, self, what what? How pleasant it will be to drive 20 minutes to the best hunting spot, that I know.  Make it to the highway, I'm going through the mental checklist and realize that my gun is still leaning against the wall in my house.  Seems to be a common thing with me these days.  

Make it to the lot and there are two trucks already dark.  I'm not worried there is going to be plenty of space out there plus with the deluge of water recently the water will be up, giving me the advantage.  Slip my pack on, which seemed really heavy, and scoobied dood out to the point.  On my way out two guys were on fat tire bikes coming right at me with the brightest headlamps ever, we exchange "mornings" and keep going.  I'm assuming at this point that they are shuttling gear back and forth and now my pack feels heavier.  I make it to the exit for the point and many trees have fallen over the path out and make it very difficult to make it to the water.  I said water I meant to say sand bars.  There was no water.  There were no other guys setting up.  Just me.  I make it to the point and put my blocks into the channel they look sublime in the current.  Find the best cover possible and wait.  There is no "settle" time due to the fact that I left my gun home and had to go back.  

Thoughts of wonder go through my head because I have a lot of time due to the lack of birds flying.  "Were those guys hunters?  or were they vagrants? homeless?  nice bikes for homeless people.  Are they going to smash my windows?"  I can't believe that I'm thinking about city stuff way out here while I'm hunting.  

I give it until 10 and call it.  Saw some high flyers not wanting me, probably because I looked like a polished turd in a punchbowl.  Shlep my way back to my secure car and head home.

Water Level at 7am 4ft

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