Friday, August 18, 2006

Donations needed.

Late summer is the time when our thoughts turn to preperations for the upcoming hunting season. We already have the most knowledge of any team out there. We have the skills. We have the right schedule. We have I-tallian guns. We even have a truck with a trailer hitch. The one thing we don't have is a nice little boat to get us further out into the water.

The picutre you see here is not an exact replica of the boat we need, but it is very close. The problem seems to be that these things are incredibly expensive and that's even before the camo paint job. Here's where you come in:
Bake Sale.
E-Bay items.
Cash donations.
401K withdrawl.
Selling a kidney.
All these are examples of how YOU can help US get the little runabout we need for this season. Now don't think that we are just going to take your money and run. No way Jose'. Here's what you get in return for every donation over 5K.
Fresh Ducks.

Pick up the checkbook and open the vaults. Make your (tax deductable?) donation today at:
H7HT Boat fund
c/o Bob & Fred G.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should start a little smaller...

Bob said...

We would love to have that as a donation. I'm sure the sale of that dinky dinghy will get us closer to our goal. Thanks so much anonymous doner.