Sunday, November 18, 2007

Arctic trip by A.C.L.

The following pictures are from my Moms' trip to the Great White North. (Isn't she lookin' good? Notice the white spot in the background, polar bear she made go to sleep with pop rocks and Coke-a-cola.) As minimal text accompanied these pictures I will do my best to provide a fictitiously amusing story to go with them per H7HT regulations.

As she traveled to the city of Hegrestervack she was greeted by this ancient Inuit formation called a "kladstrack" or "pile of rocks" by the literal translation. It is good luck to leave an offering of smaller rocks at it's base and some ammonium nitrate to counteract the effects of the massive radioactive facility in the background.
There she met her guide for the trip. (His name is Wally and he is obviously prepared for his photo to be published in the HOY7 hunting blog by bringing his 12ga.)
Wally sells genuine Eskimo hats made of seal skin and the fur of Free range polar bears on the side but his real occupation is taking tourists close enough to wild polar bears to rub their bellies and feed them snacks. Being the intrepid explorer type, Mom was in. She and Wally traveled 177Km by dog sled and Nordic skis made from seal bones to the spot where the elusive wild polar bears live in order to bring them her famous Ice Box Cake and some killer brownies.

This polar bear they named Mr. Scrunchie Button Nose . He enjoyed the Ice Box Cake and the brownies but became agitated when the treats ran out. At that point he tried to steal her purse and throw her camera in the water (just like another H7HT member) but they thwarted him with a stern "Down boy!". With the treats all gone and the polar bears in a state of hyperactive bliss they retreated to the northern outpost of Rykervydikesk and shot some skeet. Mom of course crushed Wally even though she hasn't shot skeet in years. She also took him for 1,000 Drakcleks ($7) in a second round grudge match.
Thanks to my Mom for these fine pictures and the chance to share this great story. The only thing missing is your official HOY7 hunting team hat. Maybe next time.

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