Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Day Ten

Day ten had lots of weather.

It all started without our best piece of hunting gear, Lisa. She was at the doctors and we had to go hunting in the Volvo. Sure other hunters may have laughed but were they part of the fabled HOY7 hunting team? NO. So off to Sauvies island we went in the comfort, luxury and safety that only a Volvo can provide. After running the gauntlet of fallen trees (actually we had to turn around and go the other way) we made it through the storm to the 'wait in line' section of the island. By definition we were only the second car in line that morning, but there were also 30 trucks. Our patience was rewarded with spot #7 in the mudhen unit.

After a soggy walk we set up as best the driving wind would allow. The rain hammered and the wind blew and some shots were taken. I'm positive that we did not fold any ducks that day because leading the punks was damn near impossible in the tsunami like conditions. Strangely enough we stayed pretty darn dry and had a fine day. Play the video above for a glimpse at day tens' conditions.


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