Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Timely Retraction

Let it be known.
Before Fred G, my BFF, the Shining Star of Portland & the man who taught me more about Pintails than anyone goes under the knife, there is something I must clear up. Seems that I recently claimed "Expert" status due to my recent slaying activities. I was wrong. We are "Co-Experts". Just in case he loses all use of his knee bone after this dangerous operation I want everyone to know, we are "Co-Experts". If he becomes addicted to pain killers and has to live in the gutter I want everyone to know, we are "Co-Experts". If the Doctor leaves his Swatch behind Fred's patella and it ticks like a time bomb, I want everyone to know, we are "Co-Experts". CASE CLOSED. Heston Bless us, every one.

1 comment:

Cliffy said...

I'm healing quickly. And now that I have a new box of shells, I guarantee blood. Don't count me out yet!