Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some Good Lore

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Rainbow Room 2009

A day starts off at a place we never made it to last year and this year I've been there twice. Twin Falls. Twin Falls as we all know by now is out past the Old New Spot at Dalton Point. I think it should be re-named, more on that later. Andy and I are both DL hunting (disabled not down low) so the short hike out makes for an easy on the body hike, but same difficulty rating on the bottle. The anticipation by no means is high. While we are setting up I spy a low fly'er and then another, maybe it's going to be a good afternoon. While we are sitting there enjoying the mighty Columbia, it's magnificent vastness and it's unadulterated beauty, Mr. Red Neck with shitass dog show up. I call that dog shitass because he took a huge dump right by our blind. Mr. Red Neck approaches us, "hey guys how's it going? how's the hunting here" he aks us. "I Google Mapped this here place, it seemed to be a darn good spot". (Not speaking to Mr. Red Neck but making an observation) My question to you is when for Hestons sake did dumb shits "lern" themselves on a computer? Was it the library? Why is it the Google Earth/Maps changing the face of duck hunting? Can we, being the H7HT, sue the guy in charge of Google, what's his name? I turned to him and blew smoke in his face and said "listen Hill Billy why don't you pack up the way you came in and take your stink ass dog, and he does stink, then take your "computar" back to Ikea, and forget that you ever saw this place, I think you would have better luck hunting at some damn park or golf course". He then said "Well dude don't freak on my ass I read about this place on some hunting blog...the Hoy 7 Hunting Blog!!" I said "shut up beyatch we are the H7HT, next time you see any of our vehicles make like a tree and blow!!". Senior Red Neck high tails it out of there not wanting any part of us. Hunting presumes. Time passes and Cliffy, once an expert back in 2005, spy's a set of green heads. They were flying high and not wanting any part us. It made me think, being where we are we have to make the best of what we see. If we see some ducks, any ducks we have to make the best of it. In other words we have to "Strike While The Iron Is Hot".

Twin Falls? I don't think so, the name that is, the Twin Falls have dried up I think due to global warming. I think we are almost out of water. Just look at the Mighty Columbia. I think Twin Falls should be called "The Rainbow", not like gee, but like a water spectrum. "The Rainbow Room". Have you never seen one there?


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