Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day Twelve Oregon

Christmas season is upon us so are Christmas parties.  Cliffy had his final Christmas party for Provvista Specialty Foods, due to the buy out, and I knew he was going out hot.  I suggested an afternoon hunt on Sauvies Island so the man could get some sleep and work the cobwebs out of his head.  I pull up next to Cliffy in the parking lot and he don't look so good, I open the door and he greets me with "it's youth hunt day!"  If you all remember Youth Hunt Day is a day you bring a little children hunting and you get a blind, all the roam units are available to the public.  Well we talk it over and think that it would be great to get a Footbridge or Dead Willow unit, those units have been killing it.  We pull up to the shack at about 11am and there are many people waiting, not a good sign.  I walk up to the window to put my name on the list and notice there is a Footbridge available. I said we'll take it, walking away scratching our heads wondering why no one else took it.   We squeeze in between two other groups and throw out a minimal amount of blocks due to the water level.  Nestled in the corn rows we look good, but I know Cliffy ain't feeling to good until that first sip of wikki passes his lips.  I hit him right away to set things straight.  First hour or so we see many ducks we even take a shot each and bag some misses.  The D Bags to our left have a "good" dog and are Busters, they're making a lot of noise and folding there share of ducks.  It makes me uneasy hunting around them they force you to become more of a pass shooter rather than folding them with their feet down. The weather is not as cold as we hoped the sun was even coming out.  A few more hours pass and the D Bags are gone and so is the guy to our right it looks as though we have the whole unit to ourselves, I'm relaxed now.  The weather turns for the better, grey clouds roll in on a wind from the north, it's chilly.   I hear Cliffys cap spinning must be time to take a sip, as we are a shoveler comes in committed, bottle in one hand and gun in the other I was confused as what to do, I may have shot Warren style, from the hip with one hand.  Cliffy was in the same boat but he got two shots off and folded the beyotch.  Then my turn I think "can't let him get that close."  Hen mallard fully committed comes in front of me landing gear down I let two loose on her missing both times, each time aiming better and better the third one was the charm, I saw full red, dead.  But at the same time Cliffy pulled his trigger and let one loose on her ass, he rejoiced thinking he folded it, I had to deny him, I saw RED!  Good thing about afternoon hunts is that you know when to call it, it's now 3:40 we have 20 more minutes, it's slowing down and the sun set with the grey clouds is beautiful.  I decide to break out the camera and snap a few, damn!  Hen and drake come in low down the pike on my side, I mean all set up, wanting our spread, perfectly spread apart, set up for the perfect double. I don't have my gun in my hand!!! "Cliffy take'm!"  I yell.   He folds the hen first she's behind the drake, drake still flying perfectly through the spread, takes two at greenie...comes up short.  I'm screaming for joy the whole time as this is unfolding in front of me.  Even after he missed greenie just to see the true possibility of a double I was elated.  I turned to Cliffy "dude what happened?! you had the double!"  He turns to me and says "I think I broke my nose!"  For this I will end this story here.  If he would like to add something he will, if not ask him next time you see him.  GBCH.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Have you updated the totals?

I will tomorrow as I plan to slay 'mucho patos holmes'

Really, I lost already eh?