Monday, June 11, 2012

Hey, I got a new truck! (kind of)

This weekend I decided to work on the new little truck that Ole' Big Betty was good enough to sacrifice herself for.  After looking at the marginal paint job it possessed I thought that the time was right to do a makeover in the image of the duck boat that it will pull all season long.  Not knowing if Fred G. was actually able to make it here this spring for some R&R ( meaning helping me with yet another project) I started the job yesterday.

First up was sanding down the nearly gone old paint that was on the roof and hood.  It took some time.  Then I started in on the blue paint on the body of the truck when I realized the amount of effort it would take to sand all the paint to metal was not worth it.  See, the primer should cover most of the body without being bare metal. Call it laziness but I think it's more like using my time wisely.  A Macco paint job costs thousands of dollars and takes years to complete, so I cut corners.  I just sanded the old paint down to primer or metal depending on how thick it was to start.  Good thinking,I think.

Day 2 was spent finishing the sanding job and then taping off all the 'brightwork' and glass.  After that a good spray down with self etching primer, in black, was completed in the second half of the day.  The result is a truck ready to paint any way I see fit. I know that there will be call to go full camo but I want to see the same base color to match the boat, a nice flat olive green.  Time will tell.

On a non-related note:  Jenny X.  Sorry ole friend, I will never again reveal your secrets.

1 comment:

Fred G. said...

yup like it better than cammo, you are right. rims? matt black?