Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oregon Day Three

Day three could not be more perfect, rain, wind, dry warm gear, and the whole place to myself.  I'm at the Old spot out on New Island and I have great water and an awesome blind.  My best buddy is too hunting by himself today out in Idaho on the Point.  With technology today it's as if we are hunting together.  We are able to stay in constant contact; what's your weather?  what's flying? how's the spread? and have you seen Greenie yet today? are often the topics of conversation.  Also the givens.

I'm also wearing some new gear which makes all the difference in the folding world.  A new pair of Columbia omni-tech wader pants, new and improved water proof gloves that are actually warm, and a fresh pair of waders.  Life is pretty good when you add in everything else.

Morning bell sounds and the day now officially starts.  Well this awesome morning turns into typical beginning of the year Old Spot hunting. Not much to report except the dozen teals who flew through my spread and landed in the middle of it.  With a pull of my trigger I could of had my limit they were so close together.  But being the beginning of the season and only down by one, teal are not on the menu as of yet. When I need a little padding at the end of the year I'll enjoy some nice teal taco.  It was a quiet enjoyable morning all and all.  A nice hike in the woods with no cougar, place to myself, and a nice spot to boot.  Wonder how my team mates morning went?

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