Saturday, September 28, 2013

A while back Clider took some time off from his hectic schedule to create the finest Coat of Arms any hunting team has ever had. That very crest is displayed further down the page. When the Crest was first invisioned I knew it needed some latin in the lower banner to express just what in the heck we are all about. I chose 'Feet Down Folding' as it is one of our mottos. I used the English to Latin translator from Google to plug in that term and got back the words you see there; Pedes Usque Conseres.

Not knowing at first what the words meant, Fred G. plugged them into a Latin dictionary and came up with something entirely different.
Pedes. One who walks, foot soldiers.
Usque. Whiskey
Conseres. Friend.
He goes on to say, "So my translation is 'One who hunts and drinks whiskey with friends'. "

No I'm no English major (although I did win the Academic Award for Excellence in English from stately Green Mountain College. Story for a different time.) but I never had any indication that the words meant anything like that. Is this coincindence? A chance encounter with different translation methods? An odd accident? A message from the Great Lord Heston? I just don"t know. But it is and will forever be on the offical H7HT Coat of Arms.

Being an inquisitive guy I went back to the Google translator and put the words in again to see if I had made some kind of mistake. As I typed in the first word something different came up. I realized then that if you put the words in as a phrase they come back as seen on the Crest, if you put them in individually they produce something entirely different.
Feet: Pedum.
Down: Descendit.
Folding: Plicat.
So now I realize that there can be only one reason for the fact that they were interpreted this way. Heston stepped in and saw to it that our banner had a double meaning. Not only a literal translation of the the term that defines our hunting style, feet down folding, but also a figurative one as well. We hunt and drink whiskey with friends.


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