Monday, December 01, 2014

Post Traumatic Founders Tour

After the awesome Founders tour it really is hard to strap a 70 pound pack on and shlep a mile and a half each way just to see nothing.  Being we were all Experts once we all know our physics.  

70 lbs.x~(1.5)<65+500ml>nopato<=0=:(

But last night I remembered something the Cali Klan mentioned to me.  "Hunt the Weather."  Todays forecast was cold, freezing rain from the south and winds out of the East.  It seemed logical that I should do just that, strap the pack on and hunt the weather.  

On the road by 5:45, stop and get some go go juice and make it to the lot solely by myself.  Make it out to the water, it's way up.  With no true coverage I decide to hunt the north shore of the point.  I throw my blocks out and hunker down in some old leafless bushes, I look good alright.  Before cill time 3 mallards fly right over my head and then a pack of pinny's buzz me, this might be a great day I think.  Well by 7:45 I'm wondering what time should I call it, it seems to have turned into the typical Old Old Spot kinda day.  Just then a henny flies in and with one pull of the trigger she's down.  (Remember when hunting out there you take what the good lord Heston gives)  But there's more, 12 of her friends want in too.  I pull the trigger to launch another 3 1/2 inch missile and the gun goes click.  They flew right toward me over my head.  Again more time and I'm thinking that thought again.  Then another henny with her man decide to stop by, I bypass the hen and put my bead on the green bastard, bang then click!  What the hell!  Frustration once again.  10 minutes later another good set of mallards want in, gear down.  This time the Benelli does not fail me but my lack of aiming does, three shots wasted.  

Damn I just took 5 legit shots at ducks, mallards, at the Point!!  Wait a little longer and now it's the cold I'm fighting and it wins. Every time.  I leave feeling pretty good, the bag a little heavier, should have been heavier but what the hell!  On the way out a gentleman with a dog of all things is walking out, dog walkers right?  Well this guy asks if he could help me carry anything!

Maybe Sunday if the weather looks right, cause I "Hunt the Weather."


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