Monday, December 05, 2016

Peat: The Spoiler.

With no prior scouting Clider and I ended up at The Blind. The arctic blast is on and things are starting to freeze up. We contemplated The Point but the water looked open and I forgot my chair, so The Blind it was.  The ice had started to form so we set the jerk rigs and little else out to the left in open water. Morning birds came in waves and the clear starlit sky was beautiful. Unfortunately for us not much wanted to move after shooting time arrived.

We broke ice, moved the decoys and worked the birds that did come near us. Clider had no problem bringing down a fat goose that came in from behind us. I ducked so he could shoot behind us and his lone shell bounced off my head right before the thud of a massive goose landing on the ice made me look up. The big tanker was mere feet away. Peat, aka the spoiler, gingerly walked over and checked out the bird before Clider brought him in.  Not much happened after that and we put off pulling up after some birds starting moving.

Peat decided that he would be more comfortable if he was in my lap being pet so he wrangled his fat body into my space. Just then I saw the lone bird locked in and coming from my side. I knew it was coming in because I had all the time in the world to watch with 100 lbs of spoiler in my lap. Of course I played the good teammate and told Clider, who immediately dropped the bird. That was the action of the day. At least it was just a hen mallard.

On the way home we took the back road and scouted The Point where we saw bunches of ducks right where they never are. They were in the bay, channel and right out front, all in the cil zone.  We are headed there tomorrow.

1 comment:

Fred G. said...

wish i was there