Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Day Seven

Day Seven is always an important day for the HOY7 Hunting Team. Today I will let the picture speak for itself. There is only one problem with the picture. The rainbow should actually be shining directly from Freds' ass, that's the kind of day he had.

Sometimes it's not good enough to be the 'expert', you also need to be the best. Now I know as well as you do that the HOY7 hunting team is the best team out there but every team has its outstanding member. Not only did he finish all his wikki, not only did he enjoy three whole smokie treats, and not only did he invent the next great hunting accessory, the man also folded the most beautiful duck on the planet. Sometimes the sun is shining on you and sometimes the whole damn rainbow is shining on you. Heston bless you Fred G. I'm just glad to have been able to bask in the shadow of your glory.


Anonymous said...

I hate to give up my title so easily, for I have not killed this year. However, to lose to a man with an actual rainbow coming from his ass, I feel honored. Bob, it's between me and you for second place. Or as Iceman said, "there's no points for second place".

Bob said...

It may be necessary to just give up altogether. THE RAINBOW COMES DIRECTLY FROM HIS ASS! I think we may just stop bringing guns on hunting days. I can just drive him there and back and you can provide a boat ride if he needs it. How can we ever hope to catch up?

Bob said...

Hmmmmm, I can see it now.....
"I was cleaning my gun when it went off and...."