Monday, December 06, 2010

Idaho: Day Eight

So there I am, driving by the parking area for my spot on Anderson Lake to visit the softest paper products ever provided by a public entity, when I see another truck parked in my lot at 6am. It was gone by the time I returned but on the walk out two other headlights were headed to the same spot I was. I trudged through the snow a little faster and beat the other two there by maybe 30 seconds. "What's up guys?" I say. Knowing this was the only open water around I suggested we share the strip of water, them on their side and me on mine. Only one problem.

There were no ducks today. One group flew by as the other guys were setting up but after that, nothing. I pulled up my set after a couple hours and said goodbye. The other two young hunters thanked me for sharing my spot and I felt good that such harmony is still alive and well in the Brotherhood of Heston. Today's photo shows the two lads as white sheet covered dots between the trees. Not a bad idea given the snow cover. Could they be smarter than me, the 'Expert'? Doubtful. Tomorrow I take Rocky the bartender and his Dad out to this spot and I will definitely have more to report. I swear to Heston. Stay tuned.


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