Thursday, June 11, 2015

Future Connecticut Chapter Member......?

 Non member but old friend of the H7HT Bubba Quehl sent in these photos the other day.  Although he stated a story to go with them I have decided that in good conscience that I can not report he caught the first one, a 4.48 pounder in his 'secret' fishing spot at dusk, and the second one, an Atlantic Salmon on a fly rod in December from the Naugatuck River Prospect CT.

Here's how I see it:

Bob and Fred,  you guys have the only place I can fully tell about how I contained these fish.  I went to my local market early one morning and purchased these whoppers so that I could reasonably explain away my days spent watching movies at the theater.  The first movie was 'That Awkward Moment 'with Zac Efron, boy is he dreamy.  Zac's character and a buddy make a pact not to get into a relationship and hilarity ensues.  I was laughing the whole time.  THE WHOLE TIME.
The other one was 'About Last Night' with Kevin Hart.  He kills me!  Although I cried near the end he eventually got the girl.  Wheeew.
Anyway, I bought the fish you see here and hightailed it out to the Farmington Canal for some photos before I came home and spun up a nice yarn for Jackie.  She will never know. 
Hopefully I will be able to come to the Pacific Northwest someday and hunt ducks with you guys.  After all you are the masters of all duck hunting and it would give me some ideas about how to make up stories in the fall to tell my loving wife. I hear there is a good one coming out with Jennifer Aniston called 'She's Funny That Way', man I miss her in Friends, so believable!
Continue to be "The Best" and just so you know I shot a 107 the other day for 18 holes with only 3 Mulligans, sweet right?

Thanks Bubba for that update and congratulations on those fine fish.  May Heston be with you.


bdf said...

Well played Bubba.

bdf said...

Well played Bubba.