Monday, November 09, 2015

Day One PDX a Comedy

I really thought that I was prepared for this day.  I checked to see if it was a cilling day because usually right after the opening they close it down for about 4 days or so to let the smoke clear I guess.  It was.  Today was the first day right after the closing and if I was to go hunting on Monday like I planned I would have been poaching.
Running around my house like a chicken with its head cut off. I packed my blocks the night before, check, got my headlamp out and made sure it worked, check. Shells, check.  Waders and boots ready, check.  Next morning. Couldn't find my headlamp in the morning, found another one but batteries are dead, find new batteries.  Wikki bottle not filled, only had 1/3 of a bottle.  Start the truck all nice and early to defrost  pull it up to the end of the driveway so that I don't disturb the neighbors with Lisa's big voice.  Jump into truck ready to hit the road and I'm doing that mental checklist thing.  Check, check, check, gun? damn! almost took off without the Benelli.  Opening bell sounds off at a respectable 6:30 but the gate at the park doesn't open until 6:00.  So I'm on the road at 5:35 should get me to the gate on time.  I'm four exits away from the turn off and Lisa's headlights start blinking, not in a steady way but on and off like people in front of me must be wondering why am I flashing my headlights on and off.  Do I turn around and go back home I think?  I figure that I'm closer to the hunting spot than I am to home, so I go on.  Get to the exit and the lights turn off for good, luckily it's close to 6:00 and visibility is okay.  Pull into the spot and of course I am the only one there.  I park and I smell something burning, oh great I just drove all the way there  with the parking brake on!

Cilling time is in a half hour which is aboot how long it takes to get out there.  I haul ass out there and find that the water level has not gone up any but there are more standing water pools due to the recent deluge.  Find some huntable water but there is not really any time to build a blind.  I find a nice size bush with some tall grass around it and hunker down next to it and I have to admit I was looking pretty good.
My negative outlook of the day was not helping my mindset.  No water equals no ducks.  Right?  It's the Old New Spot Beginning of the year it can't be good.  After an hour or so a merganser flies through, then through again.  Hen mallard wants me badly, but I'm not there for her.  She too tries to die again but I'm not falling for it.  Overcast skies and a slight wind.  Three greenies fly in wanting me, right through my meek spread of 6 blocks.  Maybe I chalk it up to first day jitters but I give them the ole "come back" call while they are coming in.  Makes them flare and they are gone.  They did make another fly by but high up.  So what do I take from this?  Nothing.  Hunting season starts next week in Idaho.  Me and Clider are going to cill it.  Then I'll die in the boat, probably.

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